Not as planned von Puraido (New Version) ================================================================================ Kapitel 17: Arc 3: Shopping Trip -------------------------------- “Huh, hey, Eijiro, you really have to get some hair dye again,” Mina mentioned. They sat together in the classroom during lunch break. The alphas stayed away from the cafeteria as they didn’t want to risk anything just yet. Eijiro looked toward her. He had his hair down and wore a bandana. “Yeah, I know, but I can’t exactly leave school grounds,” he mumbled. He ate the lunch that Katsuki had made for him. Mina was still inspecting his hair; the roots were all black again. He hadn’t dyed his hair in four months, after all. “Oh, we could go shopping for you, then we can dye your hair this afternoon,” Ochako proposed. “Yes, that sounds like a good idea! I need to go shopping anyway, so this works wonderfully!” Mina clapped her hands in excitement. “Wow, you would really do that? Thanks!” Eijiro grinned from ear to ear. “I’ll text you what color I normally use later.” “Alrighty!” Ochako gave a thumbs-up. She then stood up and cleared her throat. Luckily, the other girls were here, too. “May I have your attention, ladies? Mina and I go shopping later, and y’all need to come with us!” “Oh, why’s that?” Toru asked. “We need to buy hair dye for Eijiro! And we need some other stuff, too!” she explained. “Hair dye? Why do we all have to come for that?” Kyoka asked. Ochako’s eyes glared up. She hopped in front of Kyoka’s desk and stared at her. “Because I said so! We need all of you girls to come along!” Her tone was strange, and Kyoka raised her eyebrows. Ochako mirrored her, and her gaze wandered subtly to Katsuki. Kyoka inhaled sharply. “Aaah, I gotcha. Yes, of course, I am coming,” she smiled a little. “Good girl!” Ochako jumped a little because of joy. Katsuki sat next to Eijiro and Deku and watched her. He also needed to go grocery shopping, but he didn’t want to go shopping with the girls. Denki was at the therapist’s today, and the alphas couldn’t leave. He didn’t want to ask Tenya or really any of the other alphas to come with him. “Is something the matter?” He heard a voice next to him. Slowly, he turned his head to the right and immediately flinched back. Yuga’s face was directly next to him. Katsuki let out a scared yelp. “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!” He grabbed his shirt over the spot where his heart was; he thought it might have stopped beating for a second. Yuga smiled at him. “You are very quiet, and you are scanning the class, so I thought there might be something on your mind,” he said. “And you have to give me a fucking heart attack?” Katsuki snarled. Izuku laughed. “I didn’t know you were such a scaredy cat.” “I am not! But how would you react if he appeared next to you out of fucking nowhere?!” Katsuki hissed. Yuga chuckled. Izuku stood up and walked behind Katsuki, wrapping his arms around him. “You seem to forget that this already happened to me,” he chuckled. He nuzzled his face into Katsuki’s hair. The omega immediately blushed. “Whatever…” “So, what is it that you need?” Yuga asked. “I need to go grocery shopping,” Katsuki sighed. “Well, this is wonderful. I need to buy more cheese anyway. I’ll come with you,” he sparkled, literally. Katsuki squinted. It was too bright. “Fine, but stop sparkling!” “Never!” Aoyama smiled again. Katsuki sighed. He didn’t know why he was here now. Grocery shopping with Yuga Aoyama? He never thought he would do that. He had asked the other guys, but they were all occupied. So it was only him and Yuga. Wonderful, just wonderful. The omega knew that Yuga was good friends with Izuku, but he never warmed up to the beta. He was just … too strange for Katsuki’s taste. They went inside the store. Katsuki grabbed a shopping cart and went to the first aisle. Aoyama was behind him, but soon enough, he left for the cheese counter. “Great, just great,” Katsuki sighed. He really could think of something better than grocery shopping with Aoyama. This guy was such a freak. Sighing, Katsuki filled his cart with all the groceries they needed: fruit, vegetables, bread, noodles, meat, water, soft drinks, etc. He also packed some cleaning products. They had a change box from where they paid for the groceries. This excluded snacks and sweets. Everyone paid this from their own pocket. About ten minutes later, Aoyama appeared behind Katsuki again. The omega flinched for the second time. “Goddammit, creep! Don’t sneak up on me!” he hissed. Yuga just chuckled again. Katsuki hated that betas had such a weak scent. He could never make them out. “So, you got your cheese?” he asked, a bit grumpy. “Oui! I even got Izuku’s favorite brand, Saint-André.” He held up a triple crème cheese. Katsuki raised an eyebrow and let out a grunt. “Didn’t know the nerd liked cheese.” “Well, we discovered it a while ago. We tried different brands of cheese. Saint-André is his favorite, but he likes Emmental, too. He is a fan of soft cheese, semi-soft cheese, and medium-hard cheese. He doesn’t favor semi-hard or hard cheese,” he explained. Katsuki looked at him, slightly dumbfounded. He knew that Yuga and Izuku got along but not that their relationship was this good. He felt a slight sting of jealousy. He always forgot that the nerd had made so many friends. He didn’t want to share him. It was stupid, but Katsuki couldn’t stop it. “I have no plan about cheese,” Katsuki mumbled. He was never much of a cheese fan. “You should come to my room with Izuku from time to time. I could educate you if you’d like,” he seemingly turned the sparkle up. “Ah, I don’t think so. I am not much of a cheese eater,” Katsuki grimaced. “But it could be a good bonding experience for you and your chérie,” he winked at him. Katsuki flinched again. “He’s not my chérie! We’re not … dating,” he hissed, blushing a bit. “I know, but your crush is obvious. So maybe this could be a good way to start it,” he had a teasing tone. Katsuki’s cheeks got even redder now. He hated himself for being this obvious about it. And here he was, mocking Denki over his obvious crush on Shinso. “What are you, a love expert or something?” “I just have my eyes open for these kinds of things. I saw that Ochako had a crush on him, too.” “What?!” Katsuki got annoyed. He knew that Ochako crushed hard for Izuku; he didn’t want to think about that, though. They stood in line at the checkout and quickly paid. Yuga helped him pack the bags; he packed his cheese and then took the lightest of the three remaining bags. Katsuki sighed. They walked out, and he brought the shopping cart back. “Yeah, during the final exams. She wasn’t aware of her crush at this time,” Yuga continued their conversation, and he smiled at him. “And I could see your struggles when you first presented. You were pretty jealous of Ochako. That’s why I was astonished when the five of you started the whole cuddle thing.” “Pah, yeah, it was easier that way …” Katsuki grumbled. “You didn’t seem to be the type of person who likes to share. What’s your relationship status with the girls?” “We’re cuddle buddies. I have no interest in them,” he growled. “I would never date a girl.” “Oh? I didn’t expect this,” Aoyama hummed. “You got a fucking problem with that?” Katsuki hissed. He bared his teeth at his classmate. “No, not at all! I support you. It was just unexpected,” his sparkle didn’t waver. “But I am curious …” Yuga looked at Katsuki. “How would you act if you were the alpha and Izuku the omega?” “Uh, don’t know, I would probably not care for him. He’s just a nerd.” “Oh, stop that. We both know this isn’t the answer. It would be the same as it is now, just with reversed roles. You would still be whipped by him.” Katsuki blushed again. “Fucking hell, maybe yes … We … when we were pups, Deku always talked about marrying when we are grown-ups and shit like that …” “Oh, young love,” Yuga mused. “Love is a powerful emotion. Even after all that happened, he still fawns over you so much. He is even willing to endure another alpha in your life,” he mumbled. “Y-You think he loves me?” Katsuki blushed. “Yes, he does. Do you think he would go such length for you if he didn’t?” Katsuki thought about that for a moment. “But … what about Ochako?” “Well, you are in love with two people, are you not?” Yuga asked rhetorically. “True …” He had a sad expression on his face. “Don’t worry too much about it. If fate wants it, all of you can have a happy end. Sometimes lady luck works in mysterious ways.” “Hmpf yeah, maybe. We’ll see about that.” He sighed. It was a miracle that he wasn’t that jealous of Ochako anymore. Still a little bit, but not this pure rage. He got her. He knew why she was so smitten with Deku. They made their way back to the school. The girls went to the mall. They were all pretty excited. Next to the hair dye, they wanted to get some presents for Katsuki. His birthday was coming up soon, so they had to act quickly. But luckily, Ochako and Mina had the perfect idea. They had asked Eijiro and Izuku to come with them before they went to the city, and with Momo’s help, they had taken a few pictures. Now, they needed to go to the mall to get them printed on a dakimakura. Over the years, those pillows grew in popularity, and it became common practice for omegas to get those pillows, preferably with prints of their alphas, for times when the alpha couldn’t be with them for any reason. Since they were this desired, print shops grew out of nowhere everywhere. “Do you think he will like this?” Kyoka asked. “Oh, he’ll love it! We let Deku and Eijiro scent the pillows later. And I mean, they have to scent every little inch of it,” Ochako grinned widely. “He needs something to cuddle if the two alphas aren’t around; otherwise, he gets cranky.” “Oh yeah, and we all don’t want that, am I right?” Mina stuck her tongue out. “You are very thoughtful. This is a marvelous idea,” Momo smiled. “I always wondered how your little cuddle club came to life, ribbit?” Tsuyu asked. She had her index finger on her lips. “Yes, and how’s the relationship constellation in the first place?” Toru added. “Y’all dating?” “Nah, we’re not. I like Eijiro, I really do, but I don’t think I would want to date him. I like him more platonically,” Mina answered at the same moment Ochako exclaimed. “What? Nooo, we are not dating! I admire Deku. I really do, but at the same time, I know I would never be his first priority. So ... I think it is better if we just stay friends.” “Wow, that is kind of unexpected,” Kyoka murmured. “True. I thought you would be dating, ribbit,” Tsuyu added. “But it’s fine if you don’t like them that way,” Momo smiled. “How do you feel about Katsuki’s relationship with Izuku and Eijiro?” Toru asked. “Hm, on one side, I’m rooting for him to get the alphas, but on the other, I’m slightly concerned. It still seems a little dangerous, given that both are feral,” Mina murmured. “Oh yes! Especially since Katsuki can’t decide which one he likes more. It’s like he’s toying with their feelings. I’m not sure how to feel about it,” Ochako murmured. “You have a point. This could backfire massively,” Momo noted, “especially if nothing changes.” The other girls agreed. They eventually entered the store and approached the employee. “Good afternoon. How can I help you?” the man asked. “Hello! We need some Dakimakuras printed! We have a few pictures, and we need two pillows,” Mina started. She gave him the USB stick. The employee took it and plugged it into his computer. He opened the pictures and clicked through them. “Which ones do you want?” he asked. Ochako and Mina looked at the PC, and together, they decided which pictures they wanted. The employee nodded, and then he told them that it would take two days to process everything fully. The girls agreed, and he named the price. They paid, and then they left. They decided to go to a café after that. Since the pillows were a bit pricy, they wouldn’t get him anything else. They had collected money for that for months. Momo had offered to pay a little more, but they had declined that offer. They sat down and ordered some tea, hot chocolate, and desserts. “So, now you know our relationship status,” Mina started. “What about all of you?” The other girls blushed slightly. Momo answered first: “Hm, Shoto and I get along pretty well. I like him, but it is also more platonic. However, he calms down easily when he’s around me, so I think that’s a good sign.” “Yeah, I noticed that. You spent a lot of time recently,” Ochako smiled brightly at her. “And if he calms down when you are around, then this is definitely a good sign.” “I always hope my efforts are enough to keep him calm.” She had a timid smile, and her cheeks were red. “So, Kyoka, what about you?” Ochako teased. Kyoka got red instantly. “Me?” Her ear jacks shot up in embarrassment. “Nothing is going on with anyone!” “C’mon, what’s with Denki?” Toru wanted to know. “Yeah! We all know you like him,” Mina added. Kyoka growled a little. Still red-faced, she put her hands in her hair and rubbed through it. “It’s not like that. I like him, but I don’t like him like that. But he is very important to me. That’s true.” She seemed in thought for some time. Mina clapped her hands together. “Toru, Tsuyu, what about you? Any interesting tea?” “Glad you asked!” Toru chirped. “Since Valentine’s Day, my relationship with Mashirao has been skyrocketing!” She smiled brightly. “That is so good to hear! I am glad it is working out for you,” Momo cheered. “Thank you. But don’t talk about it in front of others. He isn’t as open about it as I would be.” “No problem, we got you, sis,” Mina gave a thumbs-up. “I don’t have a relationship. Ribbit,” Tsuyu drank from her hot chocolate. “But I am good friends with Mezo and Fumikage, ribbit.” “We noticed that you are close to these two. You’re teaming up with them a lot. I must say, you three are an excellent team,” Momo praised. “Thank you very much, ribbit,” Tsuyu smiled, sticking her tongue out a bit. After that, they talked for a while about other school-related things. It got relatively late, so they paid and walked to the store to buy hair dye for Eijiro. They found the right packages, and they bought them for the redhead. After that, they made their way back to UA. Now, they would have to dye Eijiro’s hair. This would be fun. The girls got back to the dorms. “Eijiro!” Mina called out for him. “Your hair dye is here!” Eijiro came out of the kitchen; he smiled brightly. “Yay! Finally! I want to get back to my red hair. The black looks so weird to me now,” he laughed. The girls quickly prepared the color. The red already looked amazing. Mina, Ochako, and Momo wore black gloves while mixing. Meanwhile, Kyoka, Toru, and Tsuyu divided Eijiro’s hair into even parts. “Amazingly, your hair is so soft while you’re such a hard guy,” Toru joked. Eijiro laughed and hardened his hair. “I could make it hard.” “No, dimwit, how are we supposed to work on that?” Kyoka nudged his cheek. The redhead released his quirk, and the hair got soft again. They had to divide it again, but their mood was still good. While they were doing that, Katsuki, Yuga, and Izuku entered the common room. Katsuki looked over to Eijiro and tilted his head. Toru had put cute pink hair clips in his hair to hold it up. She didn’t care that they would likely be ruined after the dyeing. It looked stupid on the alpha but cute at the same time. Izuku, Yuga, and Katsuki started prepping the dinner; they would make a casserole. It would take a while, so they had enough time to dye the hair. Yuga talked about the advantages of different cheese types while they started. Mina and Ochako removed the clips and combed his hair; they worked one on each side. They started down by his neck and slowly worked their way up. “What did you do today, Eijiro?” Mina asked. “Oh, my mother visited me. I hadn’t seen her in a while. She is so happy that I am under control again,” he smiled brightly. “She brought my little brother. It was the first time I saw him in … gosh, almost five months.” “Wow, that’s a long time. But understandable, given the circumstances,” Mina mumbled. “He cried tears of joy, but he also laughed about my hair. So, I guess he was right about that. Good thing this gets fixed now.” “I didn’t know you had a brother. What’s his name? How old is he?” Toru asked. “His name is Takumi – mostly Taku for short – he’s six. I can show you a picture later,” he said. “Awww, that’s like a mini Eijiro,” Kyoka laughed; she sat across Eijiro on a chair. “Yeah, he looks really like me, only with black hair. He always complained about that. He wants to have red hair, too. But Mom tells him he’s not old enough to dye his hair. Oh, you should have seen the hissy fit he threw because of that.” “Oh, I can imagine that,” Mina laughed. They were halfway through his hair when the first rounds of dye ran out. Luckily, Momo provided them with new dye so they could continue without stopping. Katsuki looked over at Eijiro multiple times. He smiled slightly as they watched the group of girls taking care of the alpha. After a few more minutes, Eijiro’s roots were covered, and they had to wait. The door opened, and Denki walked in. “Hey, how was it?” Kyoka asked from the couch. Denki walked over to her and sat beside her. He seemed exhausted. “Good, I guess?” He furrowed his brows. “I can’t decide from one time,” He shrugged. Kyoka scooted closer and laid her head on his shoulder. She released pheromones to help him relax. He laid his head on hers and closed his eyes. Ochako joined Katsuki, Izuku, and Yuga in the kitchen and sat on one of the stools. “So, how was shopping, Kats?” “Hmpf, what stupid question is that? I was grocery shopping, nothing damn special!” he hissed. “We talked a lot about cheese,” Yuga piped in. “And after that, we tried to find a cheese that he would like, but he is such a picky eater in terms of cheese.” “It all tasted weird! I really don’t know how you and Deku can eat that shit,” Katsuki snarled. “Different tastes, Kacchan, don’t be mean,” Deku mumbled. He was behind Katsuki and put an arm around his middle. He laid his head on top of Katsuki’s and nuzzled his cheek in the blond’s hair. Katsuki blushed immediately. Ochako squealed and dug her phone out of her pocket. She snapped a picture of the pair without them realizing it. The casserole was in the oven now, and they had to wait again. Eijiro had joined them around the table. He didn’t want to sit on the couch in case he got the dye all over the upholstery. Mina sat on the couch with Denki, Kyoka, and Momo, discussing some homework. Most of the other students were still in their dorms, training, or elsewhere on school grounds. Katsuki posted the time when dinner would be ready in the group chat. He got some replies, not that he would care about that. If they weren’t on time, they wouldn’t get anything. It was just that simple. About half an hour later, the color was ready. Since they still had the rest of the prepped color, they put it on his entire hair for a few minutes to ensure everything was the same color. After about five minutes, Eijiro went to the shower. It took some time, but eventually, the alpha returned with new bright red hair. “I finally look good again,” he smiled brightly. “Oh hell yes, you do! Let’s take a picture for your brother!” Mina jumped up and down. “That’s a good idea. Come, all of you helped me, so you should be in the picture, too.” He sat down on the couch. Mina jumped directly next to him, as did Ochako. Momo and Kyoka sat next to Mina, Tsuyu sat next to Ochako, and Toru sat on Eijiro’s lap. Denki offered to take the picture. Eijiro gave him the phone, and they all smiled happily. Katsuki looked over and growled a little. Nope, he wasn’t jealous, nope, nope, nope … Eijiro was just having fun with his friends, nothing new there. There was no reason to be upset. He wasn’t in a relationship with him. So, his thoughts were stupid. Suddenly, Katsuki was wrapped in strong arms, and a warm pine scent surrounded him. “Kacchan …” Izuku mumbled. “Don’t be upset; you can cuddle with him anytime … even though I’d rather have you cuddle with me.” The omega blushed deeply again. “Uhh, yeah, sure, we can cuddle later … but now the casserole is almost done,” he tried to sound annoyed, but he couldn’t trick Izuku. He slightly relaxed into the alpha’s touch. Yuga shot him a big, shit-eating grin. Like he wanted to say, ‘I told you so.’ From the couch came a lot more squeals. Eijiro’s brother had sent some pictures of himself taken by his mom. The girls loved the little pup already. Finally, dinner was ready, and slowly but surely, the others arrived. Dinner was chaotic. Everyone wanted to talk about their day. Denki was a blushing mess when Hitoshi sat next to him. Shoto had trained with Fumikage to strengthen Dark Shadow against flames. After that, he spoke to his sister and mother over the phone. Yuga talked about the cheese shopping and how he seemingly startled Katsuki. Katsuki denied any of this ever happened; he looked super annoyed. Izuku talked with All Might about his condition and how to progress further. He also asked for a status update on the case. All Might said that they had finally made contact with the French government. But all of them denied any knowledge about someone named Loup-Garou. It was evident that they lied, though. From what Endeavor said, it sounded as if they covered for this guy. It was still very frustrating, but he wouldn’t be Endeavor if he gave up so easily. He would find the guys who had done such things to his son … and the others, of course! Hosted by Animexx e.V. (